I’ve been invited as one of twelve artists to not only display my work in the gallery at the Minnesota State Fair, but I’ve also been invited to spend the day creating in their on-site studio HERE on August 30th from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. I will be given two opportunities that day to deliver 30 minute artist talks but the rest of my time will be spent creating my work while spectators watch my creations unfold. This opportunity is meant to share my studio process, and not designed to be a self-promotional booth. As a shy introverted person, I felt a little nervous about being on display like that but I’ve been encouraged to wear my headphones to stay in the creative zone and to help me not turn it into a day long verbal conversation about art but instead a visual experience for spectators. That being said, I’d love to connect with you. So if you can make it to the State Fair, please tap me on my shoulder or capture my attention to say hello and exchange a hug