“Prayer for Jordan” English name (Artists Adult Daughter)
Waabanangookwe/Morning Star Woman Ojibwe Name
Fabric and Thread
49”H x 52”W (125cmH x 132cmW)
(*proceeds from the sale of this portrait will all be donated to Face It Together, a recovery program in Bemidji, MN)
“Prayer for Jordan”
Jordan is my oldest child. She has struggled with drug addiction for a decade. Has been in and out of treatment, in and out of jail, and has lost her children who are featured in the portrait of my son Robert, who dropped out of college to raise them when they were removed from my daughter’s care.
This portrait is a prayer that those cultural and spiritual ways of being may overcome her vision by blocking her access to the destructive influences she has become fixated on. The cultural “tool box” as I like to call it is a birthright…but it was also gifted to her. And if feels as though she has neglected to open the box for some time now. The wire mesh that I mounted my pieces on are visible in parts of this portrait representing the cage both literally and figuratively that she keeps not only her heritage in, but the cage her body and spirit are in as well, having been placed behind bars several times.
I encourage all of you to be prayerful as you interact with those two particular pieces. As uncomfortable as it is for me to publicly share her private struggles, I know that she can't do this all alone. I believe that the more we “see” each other, actually see each other, the more love and support we can generate from each other. I also believe in the power of prayerful thoughts and it is my hope, that by sharing this, she will have the full weight and breadth of this community rallying behind her. Because prayers are incredibly powerful.
Proceeds from the sale of the original portrait titled Prayer for Jordan, as well as proceeds from the sales of all photographic prints of this portrait will be donated to Facing it Together in Bemidji, MN.
1st place overall @ the 26th Annual Arts North International Juried Exhibition January 9th, 2021
“Identity” The Atrium at the Bloomington Art Center, Bloomington, MN U.S.A Sept 21- Nov 5, 2023
“Identity” The Edge Center, Big Fork, Minnesota U.S.A July 1 - July 31, 2023
“Identity” Hopkins Center for the Arts, Hopkins MN U.S.A. May 18 -June 17, 2023
“Identity” Great River Arts, Little Falls Minnesota U.S.A. Jan 1- March 1, 2023
“Identity” Northwest Art Center, Minot State University, Minot North Dakota U.S.A Nov 1-Dec. 1, 2022
“Identity” The Whit Gallery, St. Cloud, Minnesota U.S.A March 25 - April 16, 2022
“2021 Quilts Unlimited”, View Arts Organization, Old Forge, NY Oct. 2- Dec. 4th, 2021
“ 26th Annual Arts North International Juried Exhibition, Hopkins Center for the Arts, MN Jan. 9- February 13, 2021
“Identity” Duluth Art Institute, Duluth Minnesota, October 2020 - January 2021
“Identity Portraits” Watermark Art Center, Bemidji Minnesota, January 10th -March 28th, 2020
“Women’s Work” North by Northwest International Juried Exhibition,Yellowstone Museum of Art, Billings, Montana U.S.A May 28 - Oct 4, 2020